The effectiveness of blows use on the basis of competitive activity analysis in taekwondo WTF at the Olympic Games in Tokyo


Oleg G. Epov*, Yuliya A. Sirotkina
Russian University of Sport “SCOLIPC”
Moscow, Russia
*ORCID:0000-0001-9504-2235, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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The article analyzes the use of blows in WTF taekwondo and their effectiveness in
a competitive duel. Materials and research methods. In order to estimate the number
of blows, we analyzed the video of 20 competitive duels using dartfish program. Results. We
revealed the percentage of blows, fulfilled during the combat. The most frequently performed
blow was miro – yop chagi (33.8%); the least frequently performed blow was dvit chagi to
the head (0.03%). Conclusion. The analysis of the competitive activity among the world’s
strongest taekwondo athletes, based on the results of competitive duels at the XXXII Olympic
Games (Tokyo, 2020), showed that the sports training of a modern taekwondo athlete places
heavy demands on the speed-strength training of athletes and determines the correct selection of training and competitive processes means and methods.


taekwondo, video analysis, the Olympic Games, blows, sports training, competitive
activity, speed-strength readiness, training process.

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2023-18-1-6-9.

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