Physical and psychic health estimation among people of reproductive age with vegetative dysfunction


Tatyana V. Kazantseva, Ural State University of Physical Culture and Sport, Chelyabinsk, Russia Autonomous Non-commercial Organization of Further Professional Education “Educational center Olympia Life”, ORCID: 0000-0001-6526-701, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


In order to define the strategy of myofascial release influence on autonomic nervous system state we studied physical and psychic health of reproductive age people with vegetative dysfunction. The research provided a questionnaire survey and a physiological monitoring. Materials. The article presents the results of a questionnaire survey among 50 people at the age of 25 to 46 (the average age-31,3±3,4 years old), 35 (70%) women and 15 (30%) men. They consider themselves almost healthy, without any evident vegetative disorders and who attended health protection oriented lessons. Research methods. We estimated the functional state of vegetative nervous system (vegetative Kerdo index, 1966; questionnaire by A. M. Wayne, 1998), intersystem interaction between cardiovascular and respiratory systems (Hildebrandt index, 1967) and psycho-emotional characteristics (Spilberger-Khanin test, 1977; (Buss-Durkee test, 1957; Rosenberg self-esteem scale, 1972; SF-36 questionnaire, 1993) of the examined respondents. Results. We revealed statistically valid differences in the results according to physiological and psycho-emotional parameters among the respondents. For the respondents with the features of vegetative dysfunction syndrome the following peculiarities of physical health are typical: distinct sympathoadrenal influence (20,85±2,11); the features of disagreement between the functions of cardiovascular and respiratory systems (9,13±2,99); low indices of physical health self-attitude (52,58±4.07); the peculiarities of psychic state: moderate personal and situational anxiety (38,31±4,07 и 37,31±4,8); the average level of hostility and aggression (30.95±12.09 и 36.55±9.26); an adequate level of self-attitude, however, with too long state of failure experience, accusing oneself of the failures, even in the situations, which a person can’t change himself. Conclusion. Low indices of physical health, psycho-emotional tension and the activity of adaptive-compensatory reactions increase among people with the features of vegetative dysfunction syndrome can lead to adaptive resources exhaustion. The received during the research work information would help to form an individual training complex using myofascial release depending on sympathetic or parasympathetic tonus prevalence among people with vegetative dysfunction syndrome.


vegetative dysfunction, myofascial release, physical health, psychic health, reproductive age.

DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-4-125-130

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