Plastic gymnastics as a method of prevention and treatment of stress: a study of biomedical and psychological mechanisms


Ivan M. Evdokimov, St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, St. Petersburg, Russia


This study is devoted to the study of the plastic gymnastics’ effectiveness as a method of prevention and treatment of stress. Scientific novelty. The idea is that the study can reveal new or clarify existing mechanisms by which plastic gymnastics affects the stress response of the body. The study will also help to propose a new or refined psychological model of the plastic gymnastics’ effect on stress, which can show how plastic gymnastics helps to increase self esteem and self-confidence, which may be especially important for people experiencing chronic stress. Materials. As part of the study, an experimental test of the possibility and expediency of using plastic gymnastics as a method of recreational physical education was conducted in order to find out how effective plastic gymnastics is as a method of mass recreational physical education. Research methods. Analysis and generalization of scientific literature, pedagogical observation, application of a set of research methods, analysis of the data obtained. Results. The results of the study confirm the effectiveness of plastic gymnastics as a method of dealing with stress. Its effect is comparable to traditional psychoregulatory training but has the advantage of combining psychoregulation with physical activity, which contributes to a faster and more complete restoration of psycho-emotional balance. The relevance of the method lies in the combination of psychoregulation and physical exercises, which leads to a more effective restoration of psycho-emotional balance compared to traditional psychoregulatory training. Conclusion. Plastic gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional state, which is confirmed by an improvement in well-being, a decrease in anxiety and increased activity, as well as changes in physiological parameters: electrocutaneous resistance, sensory-motor reaction and omega potential. The essence of the method is psychomuscular self-regulation through smooth exercises alternating tension and relaxation with elements of twisting and unwinding, providing dynamic relaxation.


plastic gymnastics, psychological mechanisms, psychoregulation, relaxation, physical activity, stress.

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