The future physical education teachers training improvement in ecological self-education as an important component of ecological and pedagogical training


Anna I. Kolesnik, I.N. Ulyanov State Pedagogical University, Ulyanovsk Ulyanovsk, Russia, ORCID: 000-0002-3065-2750, Этот адрес электронной почты защищен от спам-ботов. У вас должен быть включен JavaScript для просмотра.


The state of the nature is catastrophic. Humanity is now on the verge of extinction. We need a set of measures aimed at improving the quality of environmental education and education of various categories of the population. The leading component of this should be environmental self-education. Methodology and study organization. The study involved 46 students of the Natural Geography Faculty in the Ulyanovsk Pedagogical University. The survey methods were used to identify the readiness of future teachers for environmental and pedagogical activities: questionnaires, conversations; pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment; method of expert evaluation. During the pedagogical experiment, field trips were conducted. Future teachers acquired the skills to assess nature's condition, offered their own recovery options, and developed special programs as part of the "Help Nature «campaign. Results. The indicators of future teachers’ readiness for environmental and pedagogical activities, including environmental self-education, were compared. The EG (experimental group) students significantly improved their results by the end of the pedagogical experiment. The initial level of readiness in the EG and the CG (control group) was equal, about 2.8±0.17 points. After the end of the pedagogical experiment in the EG the score increased to 3.6±0.25 points (p>0.05) while maintaining the same score in the CG. A similar increase in indicators of the EG was noted for the development of socially significant personal qualities; motivational sphere; practical environmental skills. Conclusion. The development and use of criteria for assessing the students' readiness for environmental self-education at the pedagogical University contributes to the improvement of the educational process. This ensures the improvement of their professional training. Increasing the readiness of future physical education teachers for environmental self-education should be attributed to the category of applied scientific research of a practical orientation


future teachers, environmental protection activities, environmental education, environmental upbringing, environmental self-education, students ' readiness for self-education.

For citation:

Anna I. Kolesnik*. The future physical education teachers training improvement in ecological self-education as an important component of ecological and pedagogical training. Russian Journal of Physical Education and Sports. 2021; 16(1): 155-162. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2021-16-1-155-162.

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