About the practicability of wrestler’s games use at the stage of initial training in Greco-Roman wrestling


Aleksandr S. Kuznetsov, Chaykovskiy State Institute of Physical Culture Chaykovskiy, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-4294-3755, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Boris A. Podlivaev, Federal Center of Sports Reserve Training Moscow, Russia ORCID: 0000-0003-3292-5350, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Stanislav A. Kuznetsov, Naberezhnye Chelny branch of Management University “TISBI” Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia ORCID: 0000-0002-7708-0403, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Competitive technical-tactical activity analysis in Greco-Roman wrestling proves the restricted character of technical arsenal [7]. Material. We had the hypothesis that attacking actions study at the initial stage of middle structures mastering, without games for holds inclusion would provide effective and active style of wrestling formation with less time and power expenditure for a hold. For the experiment realization we created 3 groups (26 people each), one control group and 2 experimental groups with different objectives, programs and conditions of pedagogical control according to the years of study. Research methods. Information sources analysis and summarizing, pedagogical observation, pedagogical experiment, competitive activity (throws) analysis among Greco-Roman style wrestlers, methods of mathematical statistics. Results. The research results prove insignificant differences between the average group indices and the absence of the distorting influence of physical qualities on the results of competitive activity of the respondents. At the same time, within the mentioned period there stayed only 57% of students in the control group, in the 1st experimental group - 38 %, in the 2nd experimental group - 59 %, which proves not only the effectiveness of the created methodology in educationaltraining aspect, but also in social-psychological aspect. Conclusion. As a results of three-year, natural pedagogical experiment, which included the stage of initial training and the first year of educational-training stage, we revealed that it is not reasonable to use in a wrestler’s games tasks for combat for a hold at the stage of the initial training, as it leads to “inter-techniques” increase during the combat and it does harm to the attacking manner of the combat conduct.

Keywords games of wrestlers, pedagogical experiment, stage of initial training, training process, preserving the contingent of those, who train.

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For citation: Kuznetsov A.S.*, Podlivaev B.A., Stanislav A. Kuznetsov. About the practicability of wrestler’s games use at the stage of initial training in Greco-Roman wrestling. Pedagogical-psychological and medical-biological problems of physical culture and sport. 2020; 15(2): 38-44. DOI: 10.14526/2070-4798-2020-15-2-47-54